Favorite Director

Brad Bird

Who is one of your favorite directors

Director’s Name: Brad Bird
Link to their IMDB.com page: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0083348/
Video essay link or embedded YouTube clip about the director or their directing style: https://vimeo.com/161075532

Notes About What Makes Their Style Unique

When he writes he think about the camera angle at the same time. His work for Walt Disney is good and in The Incredibles and Ratatouille. He is known to have his work in high degree. He chooses to move the camera to get whatever he is trying to show in the shot. Another way he uses the camera is by showing the whole scene, and the whole world the characters are in to try and make you see it from their point of view and to connect with them more. His director works for animation also stands out. He tries to keep his films happy and fun.